Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is Happening to Karson?????

For the last week and a half something keeps happening to Karson that we have no explanation for.  We have asked ourselves all the logical questions, but he keeps waking up looking like this.....

There is no pain associated with it although one time he did say his arm felt weird.  It has happened three times and it changes which side of the face it happens on.  We have searched his bed, changed all his bedding, moved him to our room even, but we can't figure it out.  Then, during the day he keeps breaking out in horrible hives like this.......

The hives happened again today during school.  He woke up with one spot, but they progressively got worse and all he was doing was school work with me.  We have thought about everything he has eaten (no changes in diet), any plants he has played with, no changes in detergent or anything with the laundry.  We truly have no explanation of why this is all the sudden happening.  We are worried that the reaction is going to be more severe, possibly moving to his airways.  Luckily we have an epipen on hand, but please pray that this gets better and not worse.  And if anyone has any thoughts we are open to hear them.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Sad Farewell

Today has been the first full day of back to life without my mom here.  The house feels so very empty.  Pierce still asked if he could nap in Meme's room, even though there is no Meme to fill it.  I can 100%, without a doubt, say that being away from our family and close friends is the absolute hardest part about being in the mission field.  There are many lonely days.  Even being away from a church family that we were so very close with is extremely hard.  I know God can strengthen us through this goodbye just as He has done the past ones.  It sure is tough though.  Tough to see your children so very sad about goodbyes, about Grammy and Papas seen through Skype that they long to hug.  Just tough.  The peace of knowing we are right where God wants us does help though.

Today was filled with all of us trying to adjust back to routine.  Karson keeps having these horrible allergic reactions (post with pictures soon to follow) to something we can not find, so he spent most of the morning in bed, knocked out by allergy meds.  So with school looking doubtful, Jason and I decided to get some things moved over to the new house, search the town for bargain deals on things still needed and most of all rest.  A drive to Entebbe and back is exhausting, but adding to that the emotional drain we have all felt these past two days, just left us all unexpectedly tired.

I will write a post soon on the house and what our living arrangements look like here.  With pictures!  This mama is headed to bed though.  Of course, first I have to round up four kittens that are being scattered around our room by their crazy mother cat.  I guess that is what we get for letting our teenage cat get knocked up.  She really is insane I think!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Welcome to my life!

As some of you may already know, I moved to Uganda with my husband and 4 young kids in January 2012.  It has been quite an adventure and I thought I would start this blog to share all the crazy happenings that piece together to form my life.  A life I am blessed to have, through ups and downs, and am thankful to God for every moment.  Jason, my husband, covers our ministry blog, but I as I was washing poop out of my eye the other day, I thought to myself "I should blog about this".  I realized that it didn't really fit with the ministry stuff so I decided to start this blog for anyone interested in the day to day antics of life in Uganda.  Hope you will enjoy this crazy, blessed life of mine.