Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mohawk Mishap

Everett had been begging me to cut his hair for a couple of weeks.  He wanted a mohawk again after a failed attempt to grow his hair out long like Karson's.  So  45 minutes before church I decided it was the perfect time.  What was I thinking?  I was in a hurry and not thinking 100% clearly and I plugged the clippers in and began the process of shaving the side.  After one good swipe, about 1/4 of his head shaved, there were sparks, a pop and a cloud of smoke.... I had forgotten to plug the clippers into a step-down.  The power here in Uganda is 240 volts, most American things will only handle 110 volts, thus the need for a step-down to convert the power.  Jason usually handles plugging in all the appliances and electronic gadgets, but I was in a hurry and was trying to get it done quickly.  So, 20 minutes before church, Everett had a big swatch shaved out of his head and the rest was long.  Most kids would have freaked out and worried about going out in public with their hair messed up.  Not Everett.  He thought it was hilarious and thought it would be so funny to go to church with his hair like that. Just another case of Everett being Everett.

Luckily another missionary family just up the street had a pair of clippers that we could borrow and Jason hopped in the car to save the day.  Walking in the door with just 18 minutes until church started, Karson kept a totally strait face and informed Jason that now the power was off (something that has been happening more frequently, so totally believable).  And that is a perfect example of Karson being Karson.....always the jokester!   Crisis adverted though and we even made it to church before the praise and worship team had finished their songs to start the service.  Life is never dull here in Uganda...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stitches Uganda Style!

The "Spring cleaning" bug bit and Jason and I were cleaning the house and rearranging some things.  We started moving something into the kitchen and the edge scraped over the top of my foot.  Thinking nothing of it I said "ouch" and kept going until we got it moved.  I looked down and there was blood trickling down my foot.  As I looked closer there was  a nice clean surgical type incision about an inch and a half long.  Jason bent down and looked at it and immediately decided it needed stitches.  Whatever it was had cut pretty deep and needed attention.

Now when you have an issue here in Jinja you have two choices, a private clinic or Jinja Main Hospital.  I have experienced first hand the filth that is Jinja 'Pain' and I knew there was no way I was going there.  We bandaged my foot and made a call to our friend Katie.  Luckily she was at home and had experience in providing stitches. Jason stayed behind with the kids and I drove myself over to Katie's house.  There on her living room floor, my 'doc' Katie put a stitch into my foot.  She tried to put another but for some reason the needle did not want to go through my skin (apparently I have tough skin, only second to her dog!).  So with one stitch and a few Steri strips I headed home. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ugandan Birthday Celebration

Jason and I were just pulling in the gate arriving back home from a long exhausting trip to Kampala, when Morris our Askari (night guard) was there to greet us on his day off.  He was there to invite us to his birthday celebration at 5:50, I looked at my watch and it was 5:00. All I wanted to do was go inside, see the kids, take a shower and crash.  Instead, we loaded up all the kids and went to celebrate with Morris for his birthday.  As we were loading up we had no idea what to expect, how long we should stay or what in the world we were going to feed the kids or when.  The kids were already hungry and asking for dinner. When we arrived Zippy, Morris's wife, was busy preparing a meal outside in lots of sagiris, which are outdoor cookers. Morris invited us all in to sit and poured us all some juice, which is the polite thing to do in the Ugandan culture.  In his politeness he poured us all a huge mug full of Coke, just what every Mom wants their child to have at 6pm.

I went outside to help Zippy with the cooking and she put me right to work.  We were preparing rice, matoke (mashed bananas), meat, cabbage and pineapple.  As I was watching Zippy masterfully work with the small sigiris it hit me that the "play" kitchen we had built for Hadlee's birthday was more of a kitchen than Zippy had to prepare this huge meal.  She had no stove top or counter space, just a rock to sit on and several outdoor cookers going all at once.  She was doing this all while 9 months pregnant.

All of us packed inside celebrating 
When the rest of the guest arrived we all went into their house, which is a room that is no larger than 7 feet by 11 maybe 12 feet.  By the time we all were seated there were 8 adults and 7 kids squeezed into their house. We started the celebration by Zippy giving a small speech and praying for Morris on his birthday and welcoming all her guests.  Morris cut the cake and served it before dinner. He also served everyone a bottle of soda, mountain dew this time.  Another sugar rush for our kids! Apio, Zippy and I then went outside, in the dark, to serve the plates. We ate dinner and visited.  Unfortunately, Hadlee had a tummy ache and we had to leave, but it gave us a reason to make an exit and get the kids in bed after a long day.

At one part of the night, somewhere between the first coke and the cake, Karson approached me and asked if we were eating dinner there.  I told him that I thought so (it hadn't really been talked about at all, but since I was busy helping prepare dinner, I thought that must be the plan).  Then he told me, "Ok then, I will be sure to try a little of everything and keep eating even if I don't like it."  Then, after he saw Morris pulling out the birthday cake, Karson came to me very worried, saying that Morris was doing too much and he felt bad because he knew how little Morris and his wife had.  I tried to explain to him that this was a joyous occasion for Morris, not to feel bad, but to help celebrate his life.  Karson still couldn't quite shake a feeling of guilt, but he really made an effort to make it a special night for Morris.  I love his heart!

Morris and his wife Zippy
I was amazed at Morris and his wife's hospitality and her ability to cook a huge meal for 15 people outdoors and 9 months pregnant.  Jason and I have been truly blessed by our Ugandan friends here and having these glimpses into their culture, and being invited in as their friends and family is so incredible to us.  Morris and his wife are such an example of finding true joy in the absence of material things that so much of our American culture tells a person they need to have in order to be happy.  They truly inspired me to be thankful for what I have and treasure these moments.

The meal they prepared and shared with us.

Apio serving plates in the dark

Pierce on a mission heading outside